Thursday, October 21, 2010

Getting to Know Portugal

The best way to get to know a country is, naturally, to get to know the people.  We've had a couple of Americans giving their perspectives on Portugal, Christianity in Portugal, general daily life in Portugal, etc, but I have to say we enjoyed interviewing a panel of "real" experts.  These are students at the seminary here who were more than willing to answer all of our questions!  We've enjoyed worship and fellowship together in the evenings.These young men are passionate to see change in Portugal, a country where only 1% of the population really know Christ.

These young seminary students are also very passionate about something else - futebol.  The Northwestern students challenged the Portuguese students to a game of soccer this morning.  I wish them luck; two of these "Portuguese" students are actually Brazilians.  Hello, Pele?

1 comment:

  1. What a great time we had with you all!
    I hope you enjoyed the stay in Portugal. Thanks for the visit, have a nice trip!
